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James Sukadana – Vocals / Guitars

Nick Pratama – Guitar

Mark Saputra – Synths

MANJA's tale began in the heart of Bali. Comprising lead vocalist and guitarist James Sukadana and brothers Nick Pratama on keyboards and guitarist Mark Saputra, they are the voice of two worlds colliding, a sound born from the dance of Balinese waves and the touch of Western winds, crafted amidst a journey of self-discovery and identity.


The songs of MANJA are more than just catchy melodies; they are a pilgrimage into the heart of who they are. Each track, from the raw energy of "Last Night's Kiss" to the youthful vitality of "Still Young" and "MNSF", is a chapter in their ongoing journey.


For MANJA, music is a powerful tool for those wrestling with their cross-cultural stories, offering a rhythm to their search for self. With MANJA, embark on an odyssey to find yourself, discover the power in your mixed narrative, and revel in the diverse palette that paints our world.

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